
报告题目:Statistics of large numbers and dark energy 报 告 人:Prof.Xiong Hongwei(浙江工业大学) 报告时间:2019年10月16日(周三) 下午15:00 报告地点:新波谱楼10楼1016-17报告厅 报告人简介: Xiong hongwei is now a professor in Collegeof Scietnce, Zhejiang University ofTechnology. He teaches quantum mechanics,atomic optics, etc. His research focuses oncold atomic theories, gravity, and cosmology. 报告摘要: In this talk, we will consider the application of the statisticsof large numbers to cosmology, in particular to mysterious darkenergy. The Schmidt decomposition is used to consider thequantum state of the universe including spacetime. We willshow that the universe wave function may be approximated asthe superposition of the quantum states of differentcosmological constants. The cosmological constant for arealistic observer at the present time is determined by thetypical states of the universe, which is equivalent to theconsideration of thermal equilibrium between dark energy andthe material contents (particles, dark matter, radiation) of theuniverse. A surprising result is found that, based on a simplemodel, the ratio between dark energy due to the cosmologicalconstant and the critical density agrees very well with currentastronomical observations.
