云台学术报告 2022年8月22日 (星期一) 上午920-1010 1号楼502会议室

【学术报告】 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 报告题目: A fast radio burst source at a complex magnetized site in a barred galaxy 报告人: 胥恒博士 报告人单位:中国科学院国家天文台 报告语言: 中文 报告时间: 2022年8月22日(星期一)上午9:20-10:10 报告地点: 1号楼502会议室 报告摘要: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Fast radio bursts (FRBs) are highly dispersed, millisecond-duration radio bursts prevailing in the universe. Recent observations of a Galactic FRB suggest that at least some FRBs originate from magnetars, but it is unclear whether the majority of cosmological FRBs, especially the actively repeating ones, are produced from the magnetar channel. Until now, more than 800 FRBs have been detected by worldwide radio telescopes, and astronomers have found several tens of repeating FRBs. However, the polarimetric properties of FRBs are not well studied, which is an important way to learn about the physical origins of FRBs. In this talk, I will briefly review the recent important discoveries of FRBs, and then present our recent work on an active repeating source, FRB 20201124A, our radio observations using the Five-hundred-meter Aperture Spherical radio Telescope (FAST) provide evidence for a complicated, dynamically evolving, magnetized immediate environment within about an astronomical of the source. Our optical observations show that its host galaxy is a Milky-Way-sized, metal-rich barred spiral galaxy. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 本通知也可以在云台学术报告网页看到: http://www.ynao.cas.cn/xwzx/xstg/ 申请安排学术报告的同事请参见台学术报告管理办法: http://www.ynao.cas.cn/xwzx/xstg/gzzd/ 云台邀请团组:射电天文与VLBI团组、云南天文台青促会小组 邀请方联系人:徐永华15887870718 8月19日
